Resources for Thayer County Businesses
TCEDA provides hands on support for local businesses and anyone wanting to invest within Thayer County. We are a go-to resource for connections, assistance, incentives and project support. Simultaneously, we work with local and regional partners to provide business services ranging from business planning and exporting help to financing and workforce attraction assistance.
Opportunity Nebraska
Opportunity Nebraska has a variety of tools for entrepreneurs and business owners, including state-by-state comparisons, research information, and tools.
U.S. Small Business Administration
The SBA is very active in Nebraska with certified contracting specialists available to help local companies, FREE of charge. They help with things like writing a business plan, linking veterans with programs, helping entrepreneurs navigate business growth, secure financing, begin exporting products and more. Business owners pay nothing to receive their help and are invited to call 402-554-2521 or email for more information. In addition, the SBA Resource Guide offers abundant resources and information on how to grow your business in Nebraska. Find it here.
Career Link
Career Link is an online employee recruitment and career development site created and hosted by the Applied Information Management (AIM) Institute.
SourceLink Nebraska
SourceLink Nebraska is a one-stop resource for Nebraska entrepreneurs, business owners, and resource partners to help you grow and prosper. Not sure where to start? SourceLink Nebraska can assist you put together your Personal Action Plan and begin connecting you to resource partners.
Center for Rural Affairs
The Center for Rural Affairs has a number of loans for commercial and housing uses.
Small Business Resources:
Are you a local small business thinking of expanding? Are you an entrepreneur that is ready to take your start-up to the next step? Or maybe you are an entrepreneur transitioning into buying an already established business. Whatever path you're taking, your TCEDA team is here and ready to help. Schedule a meeting with us to talk through your dream. We have tools, contacts, and examples to help get your dream up and running! We will work with you, any partners or stakeholders, lenders, etc. to help put your dream into reality. We also help connect you with potential spaces, buildings, and lots for your business.