Become a Member of TCEDA

As a member you have made the first step in assisting with the growth of Thayer County. Building business, promoting leadership, assisting in educating our up and coming new entrepreneurs, and assisting those that want to join or remain in the county with funding opportunities to do just that. As a member of TCEDA you receive a voice to help us understand what you see as success and revitalization to encourage people to move here, grow here, and stay here.

You Can Make a Difference

We are stronger as a county - as a group of individual communities, each with their own assets, strengths and charm. We understand that each community may be small in size, but together, we make up a region with a strong workforce, education system, quality of life and abundant opportunities. At TCEDA, we understand that a win for any of our communities is a win for all of our communities. Join us in binding together to make a difference for the future of Thayer County.

Become a member today! Download and complete the membership form. Please mail payment and form to TCEDA, PO Box 254, Hebron, NE 68370.


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