Nebraska Advantage Microenterprise Tax Credit

Provides a 20% refundable tax credit to microbusinesses on increased compensation for employees or increased investment in targeted communities. Applicants may qualify for a maximum of $10,000 throughout the life of the program. The credit is limited to companies with five or fewer employees at the time the application is filed, including start-ups. Credits are approved on a first-in-first-out basis through an application process with the Nebraska Department of Revenue. The credits are earned on increased expenditures for wages, buildings, certain expenses, and non-vehicle depreciable personal property.

Nebraska Department of Economic Development

301 Centennial Mall South 4th Floor
Lincoln, NE 68508

Phone: 14024713111

Category: Business, Nebraska Advantage

Exemption from state personal income tax on capital gains realized from selling or exchanging stock of one corporation acquired by an employee with that corporation. The employee can also exclude extraordinary dividends that exceed 20% of the value of the stock for the same corporation...
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Designed to create quality jobs and promote new investment, CDBG funds must be used to benefit low- to moderate-income persons, aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, or meet other community development emergency needs. CDBG funds can be used to purchase machinery,...
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Thayer County Economic Development Alliance has available funds awarded through the Nebraska Affordable Housing Program to provide down payment assistance to Homebuyers for the purchase of existing homes, within Thayer County. This Program Summary Sheet will outline the requirements of the Program. The Southeast Nebraska...
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The ImagiNE Nebraska Act is a comprehensive economic development incentives package that meets the needs of businesses expanding in or relocating to Nebraska.
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Offers a refundable tax credit for qualified research and development activities undertaken by a business entity for 21 years. The credit is equal to 15% of the federal credit allowed under Section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for research and development. The...
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The Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act created a Nebraska state tax credit (AHTC) for developing affordable housing modeled after the federal low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) provided in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA) and the Nebraska...
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Provides a flexible and discretionary job training program with grants from $800 to $4,000 per qualified new job. Additional grant funds may be available for new jobs created in rural and high-poverty areas. You can design your own training, or a statewide training team can...
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The Nebraska Job Creation and Mainstreet Revitalization Act is jointly administered by History Nebraska and the Nebraska Department of Revenue (DOR). The Act provides up to $15 million in Nebraska Historic Tax Credits (NHTCs) to be allocated annually, beginning January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2022. This credit is...
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The New Markets Job Growth Investment Act allows individuals, corporations, estates and trusts, financial institutions, and insurance companies to claim nonrefundable, nontransferable tax credits for an investment in a qualified community development entity (CDE). The credits may be used against income tax, the premium tax imposed...
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NextGen utilizes the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act to help new producers get a head start in farming and ranching, while giving back to the farmers and ranchers who own agricultural assets.
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Provides qualified businesses with refundable tax incentives for projects that create two new jobs and invest $125,000 in counties with less than 15,000 residents. Tele-workers count as new employees. In addition, $250,000-investment and five-job thresholds remain in place for counties with populations of 15,000–25,000.
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Manufacturing machinery and equipment is defined to include: equipment for transporting raw materials or components; molds and dies for forming cast or injected products or its packaging materials; machinery to maintain the integrity of the product or environmental conditions; testing equipment for quality control; computers...
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