IANR launches Center for Agricultural Profitability

28 Jun 2021


The new Center for Agricultural Profitability in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources began operating June 28 with the unveiling of a new website and slate of informational events.

Approved in March and housed in the Department of Agricultural Economics, the center will work to improve the economic viability of the agricultural sector in Nebraska and beyond. It focuses on research, extension outreach and education related to profitability and supporting informed decision-making and management choices to keep farmers and ranchers financially healthy. It will also offer educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students while facilitating collaboration with other units in IANR and across the University of Nebraska system.

“CAP will bridge departmental silos and bring together faculty with expertise in several areas that too often are disconnected when it comes to the economic well-being of Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers,” said Larry Van Tassell, head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and the center’s director.

Read full article.

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