Thayer County’s Bruning Park Project

28 Jul 2023


As we end National Park and Recreation Month, TCEDA would like to thank Thayer County’s park and recreation professionals for all of their hard work ensuring the cleanliness, safety, and accessibility of the parks and recreational facilities within the county. Thayer County’s quality of life is enhanced daily because of you! 

thayer county

Bruning Park Project

Bruning, Nebraska is a quaint, agricultural town that is home to big businesses like C Voss AG Services, Bruning Grocery, Bruning Grain and Feed, and the headquarters of Bruning Bank and Norder Supply, Inc. Residents of Bruning consider themselves a tight-knit, family-oriented community that believes in the power of community building, sweat equity, and community projects to make Bruning a thriving place. 

Bruning Park is the local gathering location for events and family fun. Because the last upgrade was in 1998, the Bruning Community Foundation’s Park Committee completed a community-wide survey, where they learned of the residents’ desire to have Bruning Park updated. Thus, the wheels were put in motion. 

With an estimated cost of $432,183.00, the decision to upgrade Bruning Park included bringing in: 

  • New equipment
  • Fencing
  • Rubber mulch
  • Age-appropriate equipment for children ages 2 - 5
  • Updated restrooms
  • Splash pad

To fund the Bruning Park Project, Bruning Community Foundation sent out sponsorship offers and with the help of TCEDA and The Village of Bruning, applied for Nebraska’s Community and Civic Center Financing Fund (CCCFF) in 2022 and 2023. Bruning residents, once again, bonded together and raised close to $212,000.00. While the Foundation was not awarded the CCCFF grant in 2022, it was awarded the CCCFF grant in 2023, to the tune of $215,341.50. 

Bruning Park is still in its upgrading phase. However, major accomplishments have been made. To date, the new playground equipment for ages 2-5 is complete. Upgrades to the new restroom have started. New swings were ordered and will be located on the west side of the original park area. The Bruning Park Project is expected to finish by the end of 2023.

Thayer county

Image: Visit Thayer County 

The Bruning Park Project is another example that no matter the size of the town, big dreams can turn into action. TCEDA celebrates the Bruning community’s teamwork, determination, and collaboration during this National Park and Recreation Month, dedicated to “the vital role park and recreation professionals play in bringing people together and fostering growth in communities,” - NRPA

Thrive in Thayer County

Thayer County is an 11-town county in central Nebraska. Its ruralness often overshadows its progressive lifestyle and growing workforce. Do you have a business to start or expand? Here are the top four reasons to start or relocate your business in Thayer County: 

  • Rich in agriculture
  • Popular destination for young entrepreneurs
  • Businesses thrive here
  • Large companies were born here

Whether you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, or big business looking to add a location, contact TCEDA. Your new business beginning can start today.

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