Big Give Thayer County Is Back

21 Nov 2023


Nothing says, “togetherness,” better than community involvement, and Thayer County is known for its strong community spirit. We rise together by working together.

Big Give Thayer County is back! Last year was such a success bringing in over $90k. Each donation was recycled back into the community in various ways. Let’s do it again, bigger and better!

Giving Tuesday

Annually, Giving Tuesday is celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. It’s globally recognized as a donation day to charitable organizations. Giving Tuesday’s vision states, “We pursue radical generosity, defined by the transformational powers of empathy and solidarity, not a series of transactions or discrete interactions. Radical generosity creates a world in which the collective recognition of humanity fundamentally respects what each of us can give, receive, and learn from one another. … Generosity is uplifting, generative, equalizing, and connecting.”

Combining Giving Tuesday with Thayer County’s strong community spirit is how Big Give Thayer County came about.

Big Give Thayer County 2023

This year marks the second anniversary of Big Give Thayer County. With countywide dedication and assistance, Big Give Thayer County will continue to be an annual event.

As of November 14, 2023, donations are being accepted online, or in person at various countywide locations:

November 28, 2023, is the last day to donate to Big Give Thayer County. Checks must be made payable directly to the fund/foundation of your choice and dated November 28, 2023. In-person donations will end at the close of business day per location. Online donations will end at 11:59 p.m. All donations are tax-deductible. To learn about the many different nonprofits participating and their projects, visit Big Give Thayer County’s Leaderboard.

For the rest of this year and until Big Give Thayer County 2024, donations can be made to the community fund/foundation of your choice. Community funds and foundations were created as an avenue to help improve the quality of life in Thayer County and create opportunities for prosperity. Let’s continue rising together by working together.

Shop Local

We are officially in the holiday shopping season. Remember to shop local first and always. The more we support and shop locally, the more unique our community becomes to attract new residents, businesses, and visitors. Money spent within Thayer County is recycled, reinvested, repurposed, and multiplied.

The annual big shopping days coming up are:

  • November 23, 2023 - Black Friday
  • November 24, 2023 - Small Business Saturday
  • November 25, 2023 - Small Business Sunday (for some) 
  • November 26, 2023 - Cyber Monday (be sure to check local business websites)

Remember to #ThinkLocalThayerCounty when holiday shopping and donating this year and every year to follow. 

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